Recent events are quite out of hand. Some of these occurences affect all of Mississippi's universities. I believe that it might be good to have some sort of Council comprised of appropriate members of each of our comprehensive doctoral-granting universities. Such a Council should greatly improve communication which sometimes seems to be virtually non-existant. The Council membership might be coordinated through already established bodies such as the Faculty Senates of the repsective campuses.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "i think there is such a group at the faculty senate level. don't the presidents get together and meet periodically?"
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "i think there is such a group at the faculty senate level."
Then why doesn't somebody in that group get on the phone and ask if UM or MS knew anything about the IHL tenure rules change? If our FacultySenate does have such a group we should have the answer before the cock crows.
quote: Originally posted by: stephen judd "I'm not sure they do . . . I'll ask. "
Stephen, while you're at it ask which universities are represented, how often they meet as a group, when was their most recent meeting, and some idea of the types of matters discussed.
quote: Originally posted by: Right Hand, Left Hand, etc. "Recent events are quite out of hand. Some of these occurences affect all of Mississippi's universities. I believe that it might be good to have some sort of Council comprised of appropriate members of each of our comprehensive doctoral-granting universities. "
The United Faculty Senates Association was created some time ago, with the Faculty Senate presidents of all nine Mississippi universities as participants. Art Kaul was president of the USFA during his term as USM Faculty Senate president, and continued to communicate with that group after being re-elected to the Senate from the Journalism department.
I don't know if Dr. David Beckett has had any time for UFSA, given all the problems on-campus during his term.
quote: Originally posted by: oldtimer "I don't know if Dr. David Beckett has had any time for UFSA, given all the problems on-campus during his term."
Then I'd say it's high time that a substitute be appointed. The USM faculty needs to know what the two other major schools feel about what is happening at USM. And that information should come from a reliable source. The Faculty Senate representative at those other schools should be a good source.