Things were going reasonably well this week until I received an email from #1 Groupie addressing me as "Mr. Not-so-Wonderful." Her mesage called my attention to the fact that I inaccurately credited the nomination of Razor's Edge to Miss Information and to foot soldier, whereas it should have been credited to Malapropism and to foot soldier. I hereby apologize to Malapropism. Thank you, Invictus, for playing the role of the great peacemaker by trying to sooth Mal's justifiably ruffled feathers.
The finalists for this week's Citation de la Semaine Award are (in alphabetical order): Emma, East of theRock West of the Hard Place, Jameela Lares, Least Venerable, Patti, Myron Henry, PeggySue, and Razor's Edge. After long and careful consideration of the merits of the postings of each of the finalists, the selection committee finally made its decision:
This week's WINNER is . . . a powerful postscript to a letter . . .
Razor's Edge - "P.S. -- I did not sign my real name to this letter for fear of retribution from Thames, another sign that something is terribly wrong at USM."
I must say that almost immediately after posting the response to W.J. Johnson's post, I questioned the original's veracity and now it seems Mr. Johnson is, to steal a phrase, second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit.
quote: Originally posted by: The Razor's Edge "Thanks for the nod. I must say that almost immediately after posting the response to W.J. Johnson's post, I questioned the original's veracity and now it seems Mr. Johnson is, to steal a phrase, second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. Anyway, thanks again to the committee. Holla."
But your winning post is so very true, Razor. It needed to be said. It matters not whether or not Mr. Johnson is an imposter.