"Sen. Trent Lott, who attended the ceremony, believes the 53,000-square-foot, three-story facility, which will house Southern Miss' department of economic development and workforce development, will eventually train the people who could bring more companies and jobs to a state where Lott said only six to eight trained economic developers worked a few years ago."
Just to put this into perspective...the Lake Terrace Convention Center is app. 60,000 square feet. This is going to be one huge building for 50 students, folks.
In today's HA about the TLC groundbreaking, Kevin Walters refers to the Kenbot as "chairman and professor". Kevin is so thorough that I would be surprised if he hadn't confirmed that title. So, when did the appointment papers change and when did the promotion from assistant to professor happen? What is the tenure implication?
Also, a subtle but brilliant quote from Bobby Chain.
"Chain said because of funding increases and state allocations that Southern Miss will not have to use $3.3 million of its own money to fund the project."
In other words, Bobby just found $3.3 million for the university? Better spend it wisely Shelby!
quote: Just to put this into perspective...the Lake Terrace Convention Center is app. 60,000 square feet. This is going to be one huge building for 50 students, folks."
Correction: Lake Terrace is 70,000 sq. feet. Still, a big building for 50 students (35 of them virtual).
quote: Originally posted by: Paper Work "In today's HA about the TLC groundbreaking, Kevin Walters refers to the Kenbot as "chairman and professor". Kevin is so thorough that I would be surprised if he hadn't confirmed that title. So, when did the appointment papers change and when did the promotion from assistant to professor happen? What is the tenure implication?"
PW, I believe that it was noted on this board that the ED website had Ken Malone listed as "professor" earlier this week. Perhaps Kevin got it from that source? I wouldn't read too much into it...hard to keep up with the ever-changing ED website!
But certainly a "red-blooded male" in training would want to correct any misinformation that might be printed in the HA about him? So, maybe he'll call Kevin with the correction. If he doesn't, maybe Kevin will choose to clarify the next time he interviews Dr. Malone.