I was in Cook Library yesterday and noticed that the portrait of President Joe Cook has been removed from the place of prominence where it has been located since the major library renovation -- what -- about 12 or 13 years ago. Has he fallen from grace?
He does have a rather stern expression in the picture. However, the person for whom the building was named deserves to have his portrait in a place of honor whether the new dean cares for him or not.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
He does have a rather stern expression in the picture.
Yep, I never thought he was there 'cause he was so good looking. I guess I figured we were just acknowledging his contribution to the university. That and maybe claiming a wee bit of a connection to our own history. You know, what some folks call "tradition."
It's good that we have clever people like the new dean who are willing to come in from California and tell us how to do things right.