March 5th in History This Day in History > March 5thMarch 5th in History 1918: Moscow becomes the new capital city of Russia 1946: Winston Churchill uses the term 'Iron Curtain' in a speech
March 5th birthdays 1908: Rex Harrison, English actor
quote: Originally posted by: Patti "March 5, 2004---Professors Frank Glasmer and Gary Stringer were locked out of their offices and told they were fired by Shelby F. Thames. I don't much care about the rest of history, this is the only part we need to remember."
quote: Originally posted by: Patti's Post "Is our history. Any Latin interpretation of it? What do we name it, how do we pay homage to it?? Help Help."
quote: Originally posted by: Patti's Post "Is our history. Any Latin interpretation of it? What do we name it, how do we pay homage to it?? Help Help."
I call it Black Friday---or First Black Friday (in response to Robert Campbell calling the CoB memo day "Black Friday" as well).
I'm open to other suggestions, though. Jack Hanbury's 2nd-to-last stand? The Worst PR Mistake Ever? Shelbygate? The Day that Academic Freedom Died at USM?
Or, to turn it around for a more positive tone, Frank Glamser and Gary Stringer Appreciation Day? Or even more plainly "Faculty Appreciation Day!!"
Maybe we use some kind of term from the ides of March with the 5th of March inserted. I wouldn't use "appreciation" in the term of the day. At the very miminum - I'd call it GS Day and find the appropriate representative names for GS.
quote: Originally posted by: educator "Maybe we use some kind of term from the ides of March with the 5th of March inserted. I wouldn't use "appreciation" in the term of the day. At the very miminum - I'd call it GS Day and find the appropriate representative names for GS. or SG Shared Governance! NQ"
SG: Stringer/Glamser or Shared Governance....I like it!
March 5: SG Day
NO FREAKIN' QUARTER (no matter how many buildings Papa Shelboo repaints nor how many "spy operatives" he has reporting campus rumors to him!)
You know, as much as I honor Frank and Gary and deplore their being locked out of their offices, I think that March 7 might be a better day to commemorate. March 7 is the anniversary of the historic 40-0 no-confidence vote by the Faculty Senate (probably a record in academia to have 40 faculty members thinking the same way!). What about March 7 as the day of commemorating the faculty uniting to just say "NO QUARTER!" to the tyrant in the Dome?
I think it would be really nice if all faculty so moved would hang a symbolic padlock on their door beginning on March 5 for the rest of the semester. Many folks have been locked out by SFT, including, I think, people in IR. It is appropriate to remember, because it could happen to any one of us!
I still hope we can think of something to do after the AAUP meeting.
quote: Originally posted by: Amy Young "I think it would be really nice if all faculty so moved would hang a symbolic padlock on their door beginning on March 5 for the rest of the semester. Many folks have been locked out by SFT, including, I think, people in IR. It is appropriate to remember, because it could happen to any one of us! I still hope we can think of something to do after the AAUP meeting. Amy Young"
Remember that Shelby has symbolically "locked out" even those faculty members not physically locked out. He has done so by excluding faculty input to the front-end of strategic planning.
I love the padlock idea......someone could even post a template on here and everyone could print them out, glue them to a piece of cardboard and presto - ready for use.
As I wrote the date "3/3/05" several times today, I was reminded about 3/5/04. I think the 5th is a huge day, and I will spend it in contemplation that will further my resolve to outlast the Thames tyranny. I will outlast them and am determined to write about it. Painful situations sometimes stall significant writing. I, for one, would like to see many of these posts in the past year compiled into some major publication. We didn't respond to be published, but we responded out of commitment and that ought to be heard by a larger audience. BTW, all trolls out there - we'll include a Fool section for you. Watch what you say when you are in our backyard, in our homecourt.