Welcome to this special Valentine Edition of the Mr. Wonderful Citation de la Semaine awards. I am Delta Dawn, and this is the first time I have formated the Sunday presentations. I am the least computer literate in the entire Mr. Wonderful organization, so I hope I can do it right. Let me begin by saying that love is in the air. The selection committee observed that love has permeated the message board this week, as evidenced by the posting of In Love who actually proposed on this board by saying: "Stephen, will you marry me?" 14-Karat Mind is another poster who exhibited a Valentine frame of mind with a post in which she said: "If the administration's professed goal of turning faculty into millionaires changes, I suppose I will have to go elsewhere to find my valentine." #1 Groupie has even changed her cellphone ring for the Valentine season to "I Left MyIn San Francisco (probably reminiscing about some of her mispent years in Haight-Asbury). Mr. Wonderful changed his cellphone ring to the love song "If Loving You Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right." My own cellphone, however, is already programmed with the love song "Don't Come Home A Drinkin' With Lovin' On Your Mind," so I will retain it. 80's Lady pointed out to the committee that the short phrase "I love you" is probably the most powerful and frequently spoken one-liner during Valentine. She thought it would be appropriate that the selection committee deviate from its usual procedure by recognizing some selected one-liners which appeared on the message board during the past week. The committee identified eighteen for the "SPECIAL MENTION" category, and one WINNER. So here we go:
SPECIAL MENTION CATEGORY (No order of merit implied):
Far Away - "This is is the time for those citizens of Hattiesburg who know and respect the faculty--who are their friends, their patients, their customers, their children's mentors--to step up."
Stephen Judd - "I think it is time to welcome everyone who wants to cross over -- we should encourage it no matter what we think of the motivation."
Spectre of Evil - "All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
Stephen Judd - "We need to concentrate on our common purpose and that is regime change -- the sooner the better, which there is still a university left standing."
ram - "I hope people see that this is not just a turf war between 'libs and cons,' 'Sharks and Jets,' 'faculty and administration,' 'us and them' this really is a conflict about conviction, ideas, and ideals."
Green Hornet - "To all my colleagues: UNITE! Remember this is OUR CAMPUS."
OLDIEGOLDIE - "And now we should think about turning from being 'against' something (someone) and using this newly discovered energy to, as a group, really making this university achieve its potential."
Chicken Soup Lady - "Justice is always more satisfying when it's self-administered."
Invictus - "A 'controlling minority' of the IHL board wants to put 'Miss'ippi Southern' in its place."
USM Sympathizer - "I'm hoping that Roy Klumb is beginning to feel like the captain of the Titanic."
Googler - "NOW is the time for the IHL to come to the aid of this university."
Southern Will Rise Again - "Whoever thought the business school would save the university from the corporatist model of a university?"
Stephen Judd - "I think it possible that there are administrators who have begun to understand that they can no longer continue to compromise with the administration.."
CW Fan - "Reminds me of one of my favorite C/W songs titled "Don't squat in the garden, Granny, 'cause those taters have eyes!"
Anne Wallace - "Perhaps other Deans will begin to see the futility of trying to protect themselves without protecting their programs."
No Maybe to It Anymore, I'm Amazed - "Things keep getting curiousier and curiouser."
Patti - "I get the funny feeling that the excretment is about to hit the oscillating air mover."
Make your reservartions now - "But we are going to have a perfectly great party real soon to meet each other."
Distant Observer - "I'm waiting to see whether anybody other than regular faculty members--those supposedly 'good, decent' townies who take faculty members' money in their places of business, sit beside them in church, joke with them at civic club meetings, sell them insurance and burial plots, and treat their wounds and heal their diseases--will have the simple decency to reply to this letter and object to having their clients and 'friends' compared to 'inmates.'"
I extend my HEARTY congratulations to all of this week's recipients. And to the other posters, on behalf of the entire Mr. Wonderful organization (Me [Delta Dawn], #1 Groupie, 80's Lady, Mr. Wonderful, and the guys in the back room): Happy Valentines. We love you!