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Polly's Love Letter
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Dear Staff Council Members,

Tuesday night the Faculty Senate took a vote to send to the IHL Board of Trustees a resolution asking that they begin a search for a new president at Southern Miss.  I was shocked and saddened by their action.  I thought we had finally gotten beyond all the criticisms and negativisms regarding Dr. Selby Thames' administration.

I sent an email to the Faculty Senate leadership first thing Wendnesday morning asking for a list of their complaints and issues.  As an employee of this University, I have a right to ask, and as of this writing I have received no answer.  The majority of the Faculty Senate members dislikes President Thames and has made it their mission to get rid of him.

Good leadership involves responsibility to the welfare of the group, which means that some people will get angry at actions and decisions made.  It's inevitable, if you are honorable.  Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity:  you'll avoid the tough decision, you'll avoid offering differnetial rewards based on differential performance because some people might get upset.  Ironically, by procrastinating on the difficult choices, by trying not to get anyone mad, and by treating everyone equally "nice" regardless of their contributions, you will simply ensure that the only people you will wind up angering are the most creative and productive people in an organization.

Good leaders don't wait for official blessing to try things out.  In most organizations if you ask enough people for permission, you will inevitably come up against someone who believes his/her job is to say "no."  You've heard the sloga "if it ain't broke, don't fix it;" well, this is an excuse for inaction.

The ripple effect of a leader's enthusiam and optimism is awesome--agung-ho attitude that says, "we can change things here, we can achieve awesome goals, we can be the best."  This is Presiden tThames' attitude; he began his presidency wanting to make changes for the betterment of this University, and I believe that he has.

I don't wan t you to judge President Thames by the negative comments and/or statements made by a few disgruntled faculty.  I want you to make your own judgment.  One of the criticisms made earlier was his lack of communication.  President Tahmes invited the Deans to become part of his Executive Cabinet; he began "Tuesdays with Thames" to meet with the students in a relaxed setting at Seymour's; he began the President's Advisory Council made up of faculty, staff, and students; he has a President's Letter posted on the web recapping things happening at Southern Miss; and he meets monthly with the Faculty Senate leadership.  President Thames has repeatedly said that he has an open door policy.  Last year only two faculty members made appointments to see him, and I do not recall any staff requesting an appointment.

I want you to know that you are welcome to make an appointment to see your President.  You have a voice.  If you have issues and/or complaints, it is your responsibility to make them known and to make them heard.  I know that some of you may be afraid to voice your concerns for fear of losing your job; however, if President Thames doesn't know there is an issue he can't make it better.

I remember when the announcement was made in April 2002, that Dr. Shelby Thames was going to be the eighth President of The University of Sothern Mississippi--I was standing in the rotunda of the Aubrey Keith Lucas Administration Building, and after the announcement my knees began to shake and I became a little frightened because I had heard form other Dr. Thames was a tyrant and that he would be very hard to work for.  I can tell you firsthand that the rumor was and is untrue.  Dr. Thames is a kind, big hearted individual.  He enters the office very morning with a "good morning ladies," and he leaves the office every evening with a "thank you ladies for your work today."  He doesn't like laziness or excuses and nor should we.

Dr. Thames doesn't need to be President; Dr. Thames wants to be President.  He has been our President for three years now, and his contract will end April 30, 2006.  Four years isn't enough time to accomplish what has been started--to be the best!  I want IHL Board to extend his contract, and I want you to want him to continue as your President.

The following is a poem written by Edgar Guest in 1934, and it reminds me of President Thames and his desire to make Southern Miss the BEST:

Somebody said that it couldn't be done,  But he with a chuckle replied;  That maybe it couldn't but he would be one;  Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.  So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin on his face.  If he worried he hid it.  He started to sing as he tackled the thing.  That couldn't be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed;  "Oh, you'll never do that; At least no one has ever done it;"  But he took off his coat, and he took off his hat  And the first thing we knew he'd begun it   With a lift of his chin and a bit of a girn  Without any doubting or quiddit  He started to sing as he tackled the thing  That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done. There are thousands to prophesy failure.  There are thousands to point out to you, one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you.  But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin  Just ake off you coast and go to it.  Just start to sign as you takle the thing That "cannot be don" and you'll do it.

You the Staff of Southern Miss, need to draw your own conclusins regarding the direction you want for your University.  In Ecclesiastes, we read"unto everything, their is a season."  Some principles are so powerful that they are always in season--the time always right to do right.


Respectfully submitted,

Polly Odom

Executive Secretary to the President


FGH orderly

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Well, that really makes we want to throw up.  A few disgruntled faculty?  Well, the few that are left are disgruntled because our ability to be effective has been seriously affected by SFT's 'having fun" at the University's expense.  I have been here a long time and it's easy to see when a leader loves the institution enough to set aside personal agendas and be a leader.  I still think of what the very distinguised Former Dean of Nursing Marie Farrell said:

To be a leader, you must have those who want to follow.


Quick, grab a bed pan...........I don't want to get sick on this keyboard.



Left Too

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If this is true, how sad. Thames, the coward, now getting his secretary to do his dirty work. During my tenure there (and yes, I was there when he was forced upon USM) he has NEVER attended a faculty/staff appreciation picnic. And now Polly wants the staff to support him? Has she lost her marbles too? This must be a hoax, it simply cannot be true ... EVEN Thames can't be THIS stupid??? Two weeks before I left, I encountered him, Joe Paul and Hudson when I was leaving Seymour's. Hudson and Paul greeted me and the PRESIDENT, waving his arm in a downward motion, uttered: "How's it going man?"  What a class act. I think y'all are winning, especially with Grimes attempting to undo his mess at COB. But should Grimes leave, dear lord, is it Fatman Pood next?? Once again, based on this mess at USM and IHL: Visit Mississippi and feel good about your state! Keep up the good fight guys. 


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Yes this is sad and so incredibly naive.

Performance Rater

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Hey!  Go easy on Polly!  She's just doing what it takes to get a good raise.  From the comments I've seen on this board, this is about the only type of behavior that pays off!


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Is this a transcription or a copy of the original?

Polly wanna cracker?

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What is the date of this letter?  This is ridiculous.  Everybody BUT the faculty gets to decide if Thames has a clue.


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He calls me Miss Polly, and he thinks I'm a fine lady too.  He's given everybody at USM a fair shake - all y'all got to do is Agree with him.  It's easy, see? I'm agreeing, and I get to stay his secretary!!!  And, only 2 faculty have made appts. with him ever - well maybe they weren't exactly appts. but they were called to his office last March.

Kim Chaze's Polly

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Dear President Klumb/IHL Board Members:

I am writing to express my support for the job that USM President Shelby F. Thames is doing.  He is turning USM into the world class university it always should've been.  Please don't let that tiny, vocal minority of "fat cat" professors sway you into the belief that President Thames is damaging the unversity.  I beg you, please keep President Thames in the presidency, at least for another few years.  This is very important to me (my livelihood).

Very truly yours,

Kim Chaze, Esq. 


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I never thought that SFT's treatment of his personal office staff was ever in question.

What is in question is how he treats those who are his intellectual equals (or superiors). What is in question is how he views fundamental principles such as privacy & due process. What is in question is the unparalleled levels of nepotism & political cronyism that he has promoted. What is in question is his basic qualifications for the job, including his knowledge of accreditation. What is in question is his unilateral decisions to focus on a personal interpretation of the board-mandated "economic development" goal to the detriment of other equally important aspects of the university. What is in question is his insistence on promoting underqualified -- and in some cases utterly unqualified -- individuals while ignoring the expertise that exists on campus.

And although I've been slammed for stating it here, his age & health are questionable.

But whether he is "nice" to his office staff ... well, I didn't know anybody ever raised that issue.


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As a staff member, I've seen the havoc that Dr. Thames has wreaked on the academic affairs side of the university. The faculty feel like cogs in a wheel and the staff are afraid for their jobs. Polly, I fear that you've been sequestered in the administration building too long. Dr. Thames is a cancer on the university and denying that we're sick will only hasten our demise. God bless the noble individuals who have the fortitude to speak out about this reign of terror.

I only hope that the IHL board will save us from this man.

Thunder Road

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Originally posted by: a_different_view

"As a staff member, I've seen the havoc that Dr. Thames has wreaked on the academic affairs side of the university. The faculty feel like cogs in a wheel and the staff are afraid for their jobs. Polly, I fear that you've been sequestered in the administration building too long. Dr. Thames is a cancer on the university and denying that we're sick will only hasten our demise. God bless the noble individuals who have the fortitude to speak out about this reign of terror. I only hope that the IHL board will save us from this man.

What a marvelous post! This should be transmitted to each member of the IHL. If not by a_ different_view, by somebody.


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A Stepford staffer. That has to be it.


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Originally posted by: a_different_view

"As a staff member, I've seen the havoc that Dr. Thames has wreaked on the academic affairs side of the university. The faculty feel like cogs in a wheel and the staff are afraid for their jobs. Polly, I fear that you've been sequestered in the administration building too long. Dr. Thames is a cancer on the university and denying that we're sick will only hasten our demise. God bless the noble individuals who have the fortitude to speak out about this reign of terror. I only hope that the IHL board will save us from this man. "

shot in the dark

RE: Toxic environment on campus
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Did this letter ever really go to the Staff Council?  Smells like a hoax.  But sadly COULD be real.  The very distinguished and honorable Marie Farrell who WOULD not serve under this morally corrupt adminstration for any amount of money or status (and resigned without a job) actually said, "one cannot be a leader without any followers"--we still have the (protest) signs in the COLLEGE of nursing (see the east side of building for our correct name).  Oops, maybe I shouldn't have disclosed that.  They are actually in a safe place OFF campus.  And the faculty nor Dean had NO prior knowledge of the student demonstration which occurred the Tuesday following the firing of our Dean and dissolution of our College.  As faculty, suppose we made the professional mis-judgement to teach our students to be pro active and assertive about speaking up for their rights in the health care environment.  Guess they mistook the academic environment to be one that assured freedom of speech.  Their mistake.  We paid dearly for our mistake and their mistake....still paying........and paying....toxic buiilding.....and shrinking faculty, resources, just make sure you have all your shots before you come in our building (and keep your epi-pen on your person)  



RE: Polly's Love Letter
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Don't believe everything you can always tell when the heat is being turned up on the Dome...the trolls come out in droves on the message board!


Robert Campbell

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The "Polly Odom" letter has the wrong day of the week for the Faculty Senate meeting, and various misspellings that I doubt the real Polly Odom would be guilty of.

Those are enough to send my bull$hit detectors into red zone.

Robert Campbell

distant observer

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One masterful thing about this post ascribed to Polly is that it is undeniable. If she didn't write it, as Robert thinks the misspellings suggest, she can hardly afford to go on the board and declare as much, can she? So either she or someone else ventriloquizing her person (i.e., stealing her identity) has put an undeniable message from Polly Odom on the table. I actually rather suspect she did it.

Chicken Soup Lady

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What kind of masterful red-blooded leader has to have his secretary write letters defending him to those he is supposed to lead? I hope it is a hoax, but if it's real, it's truly pitiful. She didn't help him.


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Originally posted by: distant observer

"One masterful thing about this post ascribed to Polly is that it is undeniable. If she didn't write it, as Robert thinks the misspellings suggest, she can hardly afford to go on the board and declare as much, can she? So either she or someone else ventriloquizing her person (i.e., stealing her identity) has put an undeniable message from Polly Odom on the table. I actually rather suspect she did it."

Some times staff are more eloquent and insightful than they are given credit for.

The real thing

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Originally posted by: Robert Campbell

"The "Polly Odom" letter has the wrong day of the week for the Faculty Senate meeting, and various misspellings that I doubt the real Polly Odom would be guilty of. Those are enough to send my bull$hit detectors into red zone. Robert Campbell"

It is real. She sent it to the prez of Staff Council for distribution. It was distributed to staff.

Out of the loop

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Woke up in the middle of the night thinking this has to be a hoax.  It certainly doesn't sound like the Polly Odom I knew--not speaking particularly of the sentiment but of the act (letter writing) itself. 

Does Jewel Tucker still work in the president's office?


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an elaborate hoax? a successful distraction?  Probably.


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A distraction, yes.  A hoax, probably not.  Ms. Odom has said this to others in recent days.

Robert Campbell

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OK, but if the letter's for real where did the errors come from?

Robert Campbell

Out of the loop

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Don't you imagine whoever posted it retyped it into the message board and there were typos?  The only thing I don't quite understand it the Tuesday date, but the other items could be haste, no proofing, etc. in retyping.

Robert Campbell

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Typos from retyping, yes.

Tuesday instead of Wednesday is harder to explain.


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