Rumors are spreading like wildfire today that Doty has been, or is about to be, fired. Get ready people. I also heard that Kevin Walters has called almost every (I mean this literally) faculty member in the CoB for info on "the story." I haven't heard who in the central admin he has contacted for comments.
quote: Originally posted by: Nat'l Hurricane Center "I also heard that Kevin Walters has called almost every (I mean this literally) faculty member in the CoB for info on "the story."
Do USM faculty members generally feel that they can talk freely and unencumbered on the USM telephone system in view the the computer surveillance? I, for one, trust no communication vechicle under the aegis of USM. I believe I would use a pay phone or a home phone for discussing anything sensitive.
quote: Originally posted by: Cat on a Hot Tin Dome "Do USM faculty members generally feel that they can talk freely and unencumbered on the USM telephone system in view the the computer surveillance? I, for one, trust no communication vechicle under the aegis of USM. I believe I would use a pay phone or a home phone for discussing anything sensitive. "
When I was a staff person two years ago I was given to understand that the phone system was not secure. A business professor told me this summer that Dean Doty did his telephoning on a cell -- outside. (That may also have been noted on the board.)
In any case, what do folks thing Doty will do if he is fired? How much does he know and what resources does he have to fight back?? It would seem to me (an outsider) that someone in that position would have business and political contacts of his own.
And please, I know there is an anti-Doty contingent on this board, and I implore you now to please not let that get started on this board. Save it for later. Stay focused on the real enemy and save your other issues for another day. Please.
doty was tenured when he was hired. pood and gandy were not, had to wait one year and go through the normal tenure process. Pierce was already tenured at USM. Fos i don't know about.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "doty was tenured when he was hired."
scm, I do hope that Dean Doty was given academic tenure at the time he was hired. But my understanding is that IHL regulations prohibit a faculty member being hired "with tenure." I was informed that tenure could not be considered until the faculty member had been here for one year because of the IHL's policy. That point was made very clear to me when I came to USM. On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me IHL regulations do not prohibit hiring "with tenure." I was lied to after I was appointed, so it wouldn't surprise me if I was lied to at the inception of my appointment. I had no problem whatsoever earning tenure later, so this is not a "sour grapes" posting. I raise it only as a very important question: Can a faculty member be awarded academic tenure at the inception of the appointment?
lieing eyes--i heard precisely the same thing as you and have experience with outside administrators having to wait a probationary year. heard, as well, it was IHL policy. when i heard about Doty's hiring i was surprised as well. it may be that he was hired early enough that his materials could get to the board in time for consideration, but that it just speculation.
it is not unheard of, although is rare, for professors to be appointed with tenure, and has most certainly happened at USM. Although i am not personally sure of IHLs policy regarding such matters it no doubt requires the boards approval.
My understanding was that when someone was brought in it was with the promise of tenure in one year. The department approved tenuring the new hire in advance--as soon as he/she was hired. But the IHL did not allow hiring with tenure. This may have changed.
I do not see how the "tenure" section of a faculty handbook could have been written without an answer to this question. Did not those who wrote and review the handbook look into this?
When you say you mean just as dean and he would step back into a faculty position, or fired in terms of packing up and heading down the road.
quote: Originally posted by: Outside Observer "efficient? no comprende"
Efficient, innovative, and effective was an early mantra of the Thames admistration. Having another exdean in the B-school wouldn't be a good use of university funds, now, would it?
This leads to something I don't understand. How is it that a Provost can simply "order" faculty to cease doing certain kinds of research and begin doing other kinds. Guess I'm naive -- I thought people did the research they were interested in and/or qualified to do. Does anyone know of another instance of this sort of thing, at USM or elsewhere?
quote: Originally posted by: LVN "This leads to something I don't understand. How is it that a Provost can simply "order" faculty to cease doing certain kinds of research and begin doing other kinds. Guess I'm naive -- I thought people did the research they were interested in and/or qualified to do. Does anyone know of another instance of this sort of thing, at USM or elsewhere?"
The Provost can say whatever he wants, but he cannot enforce such an order. This is a gross violation of academic freedom. Could our Provost possibly be dumb enough to have put such a command in writing?
quote: Originally posted by: Robert Campbell "Magnolia, Remember what Jack Hanbury was dumb enough to put in writing. Robert Campbell"
Yes, and wasn't Harold Doty one of the deans who prompted that ill-conceived email from Hack Hanbury? Doty sounds more and more like one of the few USM administrators willing to stand up to the nonsense that SFT & Co. are dishing out these days.
Any word from USM Spokesmodel Lisa Mader these days? (other than about the state of campus lighting, that is ).
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH " Yes, and wasn't Harold Doty one of the deans who prompted that ill-conceived email from Hack Hanbury? Doty sounds more and more like one of the few USM administrators willing to stand up to the nonsense that SFT & Co. are dishing out these days. Any word from USM Spokesmodel Lisa Mader these days? (other than about the state of campus lighting, that is )."
Truth, there is some speculation going around that LM is no longer in the employ of USM. People are digging into it now.