SFT & company are counting on a weekend, the Super Bowl and 2 days of no classes (Mardi Gras) to blunt the anger about the no-more-research-in-the-COB memo. Don't let it happen.
I agree, we are already seeing pro-Thames letters in the paper. Its time to counter those letters with those of your own. I do understand the fear involved in putting your names out there, but sometimes you do what you gotta do, stand up for what is right and just. Fight fire with fire.
For every letter that states what a good job he is doing, counter that with the probation from SACS and the threat of loss of accrediation, the drop in tier status, what ever is factual to state, that no, he isn't doing a good job. You have at your finger tips facts, undisputable facts that show what SFT is doing is harming your insitution. NOW is the time to get those facts out into the public and let his so called supporters try and argue with them. Get your students behind you in all of this, get their parents (you know, the ones that pay tutition) behind you. The student body is not made up of Walt Cain, nor is the university SFT, even if they think they are.
Remember, the nosiest wheel gets greased first, you want Thames gone, make noise and lots of it. Write letters to the HA, the CL and the Sun-Herald, write letters to the IHL, write letters to the governor............................ Do what you have to do to keep SACS accrediation, but let it be known that it isn't SFT who did that, it was a hard working, underpaid, very tired faculty. I would imagine that at this point, many of you are tired of fighting, but its always darkest before the dawn. Keep fighting, keep on truckin on, know and understand that people, who aren't even there support you, cheer for you, despair with you, and fight right next to you.
In the immortal words of Winston Churchill, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up.
Originally posted by: Left (formerly Leaving Soon) "It sure was encouraging to see these letters in the HA this weekend: Klumb defends the indefensible
Old Curosity Shop posted this in the L & P thread on Black Friday. It fits here as well. (OCS, I hope you don't mind me putting this here.)
Folks, the nuclear option is to tell ALLLL--everything for the past 3 years to SACS. The nuclear option is really the neutron option---kills everybody in the dome, leaves all else to rebuild a decent school. All of the CoB stuff speaks to GOVERNANCE--definitely a SACS concern. If Shelby F*&%^Thames backs off, we still have to launch. Jerking everyone around all of the time is as destructive as anything else this guy does...The fact is that Shelby has already gone nuclear. If we do not stop this SH+*t there will not be a pile of rubble left in a couple of years...The f+*king poor town of Hattiesburg will go down the tubes with the school, and that stupid Lawrence Warren will be clueless about how he made it all happen.
SACS must be told ALLL and the Board must be made to understand that its failure to act at this point has potential SACS IMPLICATIONS for Governance issues at all eight universities which they oversee...If they are accomplices in making one University a fraud on the taxpayers, they will create questions about their management of all eight.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "patti--what do you expect SACS to do about the IHL? they accredit institutions not governing boards."
Re-read the Core Requirements (or the old "Conditions of Eligibility"). The governing board has a lot to do with the accreditation of an institution. The governing board is considered part of the institution.
And if SACS decides that there are deficiencies in how IHL is governing USM, there are major & devastating implications for the other seven state universities.
invictus--i know what you're referring to, but the evidence for trouble at the board level has to be something like it was at West Alabama or Auburn--the board either micromanages or has infighting (at West Alabama the board would not meet together in one room). i don't know that the IHL problems we all allude to amount to something SACS would worry about.
I do realize that the accrediating body does not have a direct effect on the IHL, but in the same sense, the IHL board must realize what the long term effects will be if accrediation is lost. Many colleges within USM stand to lose everything, such as nursing, the teacher college (I know the licensing initals, honest I do, but the brain just went dead) to name two of them.
Pressure is pressure, I don't much care where it comes from....... and right now, it appears to me that the faculty, parents, students, and community leaders (who aren't on his side) need to be putting that pressure on. Like I have said before, I sit on the outside looking in, and I have to admit, I don't like what I see. I cannot fathom one man having so much power that he is being allowed to destroy an instutition, I cannot believe for one moment that the faculty is going to roll over and play dead, I can't believe that. I joined this little group almost a year ago during the Glasmer/Stringer incident and I have been amazed and uplifted by the determination of this faculty. Granted, sometimes it seems all for naught, but in the long run it will be worth it.
But, it isn't going to happen if people sit on their ideals and not speak up. It isn't going to happen with hand wringing and the woe is me attitude, its gonna happen when the people involved get fed up enough to go kick some serious butt! I honestly don't know what will happen, but if the IHL allows SFT to continue on his path of destruction, you won't have a university to celebrate 100 years with. Now, what is it going to be, complacency --allowing this to continue until SFT has total power, or get off your collective duffs and dig deeper into the trenches and fight?
Only the faculty, alumni and students at USM can do the fighting, I can sit here on the sidelines and cheer for you. But, since I don't have all of the facts necessary, it is hard for me to write letters, even tho I did so last year to the IHL in support of Frank and Gary. I do suspect unethical practices, but I can't prove them. Those with the information can. True, I don't understand all of the political intertwining of Mississippi, but its the same everywhere. Political machines can be brought down, it takes time and dedication to do so.
patti--i agree with a lot of your feelings. but my point is that SACS can do some things (like strip USM of its accreditation) but can't do others (tell the IHL what they should do about Thames). SACS is not some messiah that comes in every 10 years and makes all things right. SACS has, as i've said on other threads, what i call a "physician heal theyself" approach. the folks at USM have to figure out what will solve our problems. SACS will support us, but we have to figure it out.
as i've said repeatedly i have too much sweat equity in USM (20+ years) and two children going here. i won't let Thames (or anyone) do in USM. i'm working in my own small way to make sure it won't happen.
SCM, Patti is like me, not a professional academic, but with a deep concern and interest in these issues. It's hard for people like us to keep some of the details straight, and we are getting more and more frustrated as things get uglier -- it seems there is so little we can do to help. BTW, Patti, I think we have a mutual acquaintance in the COB.
lvn and patti--i personally won't let thames ruin the university. that's all i can do. but i am connected well enough to feel that our accreditation won't be taken away.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "patti--i agree with a lot of your feelings. but my point is that SACS can do some things (like strip USM of its accreditation) but can't do others (tell the IHL what they should do about Thames). SACS is not some messiah that comes in every 10 years and makes all things right. SACS has, as i've said on other threads, what i call a "physician heal theyself" approach. the folks at USM have to figure out what will solve our problems. SACS will support us, but we have to figure it out. as i've said repeatedly i have too much sweat equity in USM (20+ years) and two children going here. i won't let Thames (or anyone) do in USM. i'm working in my own small way to make sure it won't happen."
SCM, do you think SACS would care if the Strategic Goals were drawn up by SFT, "outside" stake holders and the IHL Board with no faculty input? Many believe that is where the draft plan originated.