TOPIC: Important Thames Communication Poll -- Please Vote
Which of the following would be a useful way for USM President Shelby Thames to open the lines of communication between you (the faculty) and central administration? [34 vote(s)]
Re-instate and expand the practice of having Ken Malone and his associate drop by your classes periodically to speak with you and/or your students about the university's aims.
Construct a Mussolini-style balcony on the second floor of the AKL Bldg. so Thames can speak directly to you and your 650 faculty colleagues en masse.
Continue the practice of having Ms. Lisa Mader write the "President's Message" for posting on the USM web site.
Re-instate and expand the practice of buying a full-page ad in the Hattiesburg American to inform faculty and the community what central administration is up to.
Continue and expand the recently developed practice of having Provost Jay Grimes slip post-it notes and letters in your personnel files stating how the university feels about you.
Re-instate and expand the practice of having Thames' contemporaries write letters to the Hattiesburg American about your performance and the university's goals.
Re-instate and expand the practice of e-mail monitoring so that Thames or other administrators can butt into your private conversations when there is a point of clarification from their end.
Continue with the PUC, only push it to an even earlier AM hour so more members can be there.
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Important Thames Communication Poll -- Please Vote