TOPIC: Important Larry Eustacy Poll --- Please Vote
What should Larry Eustachy do to radically alter the current fortunes of the USM Men's basketball team? [35 vote(s)]
Get down on his hands and knees, admit he was wrong, and beg Jasper Johnson to return to the team.
Cut all current players except Michael Ford and Rashaad Carruth, so that the two of them can run the 2-man game they are currently running without distraction from any others wearing Black & Gold.
Hire James Green to conduct practices and in-game coaching strategy, freeing up time for Eustachy to speak with the media about his favorite subject --- himself.
Get USM out of Conference-USA asap/now, and into either the NAIA league with William Carey, Dillard, Mobile and Spring Hill (et al.), or, better yet, one of the Upward Leagues at Temple Baptist.
Get himself ejected from every game between today and the last regular season game so that the players' "excitement" builds to a crescendo and they win the NCAA tournament for him.