The Emergency Ad Hoc Committee, which is now at least speaking to each other, liked the People's Choice method for determining the weekly weiner. Further, Miss Information will be assisting at the Mardis Gras tableau tonight & Invictus refuses to make any more unilateral decisions now that things are patched up with her.
So, the voting precinct is now open.
Go to the voting booth & have fun with our Diebold-style system.
This week's secret access password is "FireShelby". (Don't use the quotation marks, but be sure to get the capitalization right.)
You may rank any or all of the nom-inations on a scale of 0 - 5 where zero & five represent whatever you want them to represent. And remember, you can vote as many times as you want, although the committee recommends that after four or five votes, you might seriously consider getting a life.