There are big stories t hat if people would stop fighting over which brand of coffee to buy might actually matter viz--
1) Why did SACS which clearly had USM down for major probabtion suddenly report only ONE problem? Has SACS EVER cited a school for distance learning? Isnt this VERY unusual?
allegation to be investigated: Didnt Trent Lott or Barbour get to SACS because they cant stand another stain on the nation reputation of mississippi?
2) IHL individual members allegedly get LOTS OF MONEY from the fact that the shelbyite has control of a 200 million dollar usm budget.
Worth investigating: How does one come to the assertion made above? Simple facts. First, the very constitution of this state forbids any oversight of the IHL. Nothing can be done if they go corrupt. What can the state legistlature do? withhold the entire budget for all 8 schools? They dont give the budget to IHL divided 8 ways. Its up to the IHL to divide it and there is no oversight for how they do that. No real oversight. No teeth. IN their crony assed wisdom, the IHL realized that if a toady of theirs were in charge of any of the 8 schools he (it will always be a he) can send all contracts, all business contracts, all inside land deal information deals to every cousin, best friend, and uncle of the IHL board. Dont think this is what the full final and only story is then I ask any reporter reading this to look at every business deal from USM in the past 2 years and see what the connection between it and the kissing cousins of IHL members might be? Go ahead prove me wrong. You cant. The story of USM and the IHL is a story of money, greed , and corruption. Its dirty, its simply and there aint no more too it. What sheby does on his own time down here matters to no one. THe only thing that matters is that he keeps sending the contracts and the money to the IHL board members, friends and c family.. THe conspiracy theory to drive usm to the ground is just that: a theory. IN the words of Fran Dresher, money talks and bullcensored walks.
In short, the support for shelby on the part of the IHL is a suppor for their own ever expanding wallets which have free unfettered access to a budget line with no oversight whatsover.
sidenote: Oh what about the state auditor you say. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! No state auditor in any of the 50 states is worth anything. One only gets that job if one is corrupt to begin with. ANyone placing faith in any of the 50 state auditors should take journalism 101. How naive can people be jeez!@!!
sidenote #2: WHY NOT FILE FOIA forms? OH COME ON!!!! Freedom of information act is toothless silliness. The only information worth getting is going to come from hard work. EITHER WE sit around crying over coffee and sushi or get to real business and prove the corruption we know is there is there. How? By good old fashioned public access via good solid detective and reporting work;
To lazy to do it? Than there is truly no hope.
Or get courageous and before going public appeal to genuine actual whistleblower status via PEER or some state or federal oversight authority assuming one has real information. Be sure you have whisleblower protection and take the files and zeroxs you have and sock it to them!!
; or, best of all, a subpoena based on any trumped up charge you want: in the subpoena lay all the goodies.
Originally posted by: figure it out Oh what about the state auditor you say. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! No state auditor in any of the 50 states is worth anything. One only gets that job if one is corrupt to begin with. ANyone placing faith in any of the 50 state auditors should take journalism 101. How naive can people be jeez!@!! sidenote
Try the state of Florida, where the auditor is appointed by the state society of CPA's, and does not serve at the pleasure of the legislature. This office is responsible for numerious lawsuits and scathing audit reports, many of which result in important reforms.
figure it out--universities are frequently cited by SACS on distance-ed programs. look at their website. since distance ed has gotten so popular and universities are jumping to embrace it, they frequently don't give it proper oversight.
quote: Originally posted by: figure it out "Why did SACS which clearly had USM down for major probabtion suddenly report only ONE problem? .......... Didnt Trent Lott or Barbour get to SACS because they cant stand another stain on the nation reputation of mississippi?"
It is highly unlikely that Lott, Barbour, or any other politician "got to SACS." The university itself may succumb to a phone call or a visit from a politician, but SACS will not. It is unlikely that SACS would give one bullola to a politician who might try to shape the course of a SACS inquiry.
SACS would privately tell any politician to back off. if the politician pursued it, they would probably go public with the pressure. SACS credibility, in part, lies with its independence from political influences.
I was hoping, and expecting to get such responses. Lets hope you all are correct. I think corruption goes very far and I want reporters to trace it. But the real story beyond the national regional story of SACS and politicians continues to be this:
IHL members gain financially from supporting SFT. The proof is there; who wants to find and print it? Alll the other hoopla is just that, hoopla, people only support the kind of crap shelby does if they benefit far more than they lose from such support. Do I have to be more explicit: are we really that politically naive around here? Ok, I will be explicit.
If you want to get read of SFT than the way to do it is to go after those who support him: those with power, the IHL. Proof what money they make from having him in charge of the USM budget and down the whole lot go. For now though who is to stop the IHL members, friends, and family from continueing to gain financially from whats left of the USM budget? Every week there are contracts, land deals, etc; they keep on coming dont they?
any reporters out there want a great story to get them to a real paper earn them a big prize and be their ticket to the big leagues. ThIS IS IT!!! Chase the IHL dont worry about the little fat man in the gnome
Look at the Phillips' "gift". Think Moss Point and all the usual suspects. Folks, it's right there in front of your very own eyes. Shelby isn't the powerful one. They used his ego to help them further their own interests.
Quick note about this. I remember all of the stories about 2 contracts just below the IHL board approval rates that everyone else remembers - stories that kept circulating despite the fact that they never seemed to go anywhere. The other day I was perusing old IHL minutes and I found what appeared to me to be IHL approval for a $1.3 million contract between the University of Southern Mississippi and Pileum - think it was Summer, 2003 but I don't remember exactly.
quote: Originally posted by: figure it out "1) Why did SACS which clearly had USM down for major probabtion suddenly report only ONE problem? Has SACS EVER cited a school for distance learning? Isnt this VERY unusual?"
Actually, it has not been uncommon over the past 6 or 7 years for SACS to cite schools for deficiencies in distance learning. In fact, it has been a "hot topic" for SACS since the rise of internet-based instruction in the late '90s. I daresay that a large number -- if not the majority -- of institutions that had decennial reviews recently & that have distance learning programs got at least a recommendation involving assessment of these program areas.
USM is unique in that it has gotten a probation for it, but let's not forget that a hefty chunk of the probation was due to USM's failure to respond to SACS' requests in an appropriate & adequate fashion.
USM's online learning offerings range from good to baaaad. I've had the opportunity to look at a good number of them, and I don't believe any evaluations are taking place. AC does a paper review of proposed online courses, but nobody looks at a prof's finished product. Of course, the dome crew wouldn't know a good online course if it bit em on the ass.
But don't worry, Exline has it well in hand.... she has no doubts.