In light of comments about dining services, etc., i feel the need to make a point regarding faculty and their fight against Thames: USM faculty will fail to defeat Thames because of their lack of resolve and failure to learn from history.
During the Revolutionary War period, soldiers fought under strict rules of engagement, marching and fighting in rows and columns. Officers were off-limits, so that the better military strategists and leaders (most of whom were noblemen) were safe from harm. This meant that the army with the greatest numbers almost certainly won the battles and, hence, the wars, because it was truly attrition that determined the day. The American Revolution was won (at least in part) because the outnumbered Colonists chose a different path: early forms of guerrila warfare. Breaking with tradition, teh Continental Army chose to include such tactics to help them win their freedom from the tyrannical government that was opressing them. They knew it wasn't "fair" under the rules of the day, but they wanted to win. They did whatever it took and, with a little luck and what some believe was divine providence, they succeeded.
What did the Army of the United States do immediately after the Revolution? They went back to fighting in columns! In fact, the column method was used up until and including World War I. Our military leaders either learned nothing from their experiences, or they were so proud that they had to prove they could fight within the stilted rules of war. Forget what got you here, go ahead and play somebody else's game.
The faculty at USM are doomed to fail against Shelby Thames. I can see it all over this board. Here are some quotes from the past few days:
"I've been eating every day at the eatery in the new CICE building, and I personally think it is wonderful!! The food is of high quality. The place is beautifully decorated, and I think it will be a draw for encouraging new faculty hires in CoAL." -- shesays
"I've had the opportunity to visit several major universities in the past few months, and sub-contracted eateries on campus are very common, including within libraries. If anything, USM is behind the curve here. I don't fully understand all of the objections, other than the perception that their very presence is an extension of the evil Thames regime. I'm sure there are other issues. I just haven't heard them articulated, here or anywhere else." -- PseudoNym
"a major digression. since there seems to be a real cynicism on this thread--watch MASH. If you're in the burg, it's the hallmark channel (channel 17). does wonders for me." -- stinky cheese man
"Well said my friend, and without vitriol." -- Least Venerable, responding to the above quote by scm
All of these quotes come from the "eatery" thread -- the thread most likely to be divisive due to its preference-driven nature. However, they are indicative of the softness that pervades faculty at USM.
This is a war, people. The first shots were fired when SFT fired all of the deans and replaced then with what he believed to be puppets; at least one of them has the guts to stand up to him and to speak up for his faculty. A second shot was fired when email monitoring commenced, though this was, for the most part, a silenced shot. War was declared when SFT initiated termination proceedings against Glamser and Stringer. War has been raging every day, if only from the dome and aimed at the faculty...God knows that there are so many faculty who are of the mind to sign a truce. There will be no truce. SFT will shake your hand with his left and stab you in the back with his right. He will run off faculty, mistreat staff, alienate the community, lie to the media, shirk SACS duties, rig state contracts, and cook the USM books to avoid scrutiny. We are at war, whether you want to admit it or not. Have you forgotten the margin of the first vote of "no confidence"?
How do you win this war? Do you "fight fair"? No! You use any and every means at your disposal. You oppose SFT and his minions at every turn. Any SFT idea, plan, concept, action, or recommendation is poison. Whenever possible, avoid supporting those activities. Campaign against SFT. Fight dirty. Fight to win. This means deriding his choices of administrators' actions. This means pointing out the dysfunctional nature of his athletics hires and their performance AND recruiting methods. This means walking your sweet butt off campus and never, ever giving the university any of your money again. This means turning your textbook order form over to the Campus Book Mart, not Barnes & Noble. This means buying coffee from off-campus providers, not Starbucks or the International Building. This means making it a point to view your money as a vote: you either vote for SFT and spend money on campus, or you vote against him and go elsewhere. Thsi means that, when asked by community members you trust, you don't sugar coat what's happening at USM. It means saying things like "I wish the Alumni Association would help do something about the mess at USM," rather than "Things are fine on campus."
This IS a war, people. Faculty/staff/students/Hattiesburg/residents of Mississippi will lose unless we start changing our ways and learning from the past. Or, we could go back to fighting in columns.
It will take courage, and I'm not advocating any approach at this point. I almost thought an old-fashioned strike or walk-out with faculty, staff, and students would force some action, if only massive PR pressure with national coverage. It could be a huge risk, but a huge reward. Not saying this is the way to go...what are other concrete alternatives? Even Ole Miss and State might step up and say, enough is enough at USM. I'm not from MS, and when I tell people where I teach, they all think it is Ole Miss anyway....those outside MS, don't distinguish a bit between the schools...we are a bundled reputation. Mississippi God Damn, indeed.
I am sure by now that many of the troops are exhausted. Our side has lost some generals to other countries, and many faculty became refugees from USM. Those who are left probably long for a time in which they can teach their courses and do their research in peace. There was great momentum last year, but given the drop to tier 4 and SACS probation--it is hard to keep one's spirit up enought to keep fighting. I suspect many of the folks who were in the trenches last year have now decided that publishing a few more articles, attending some professional meetings to make some connections, and sending out their resumes is a better strategy than worrying about where they buy their coffee. I know everyone wants to keep fighting--but what else can one do? In the grand scheme of things, it probably _won't_ matter where you buy your coffee (though I'd go to Javawerks, too). But isn't there something bigger, better than that we can do?
Maybe we are beyond big things, but it's not too late to become the French Maquis, which is part of what I got from the WONDERFUL first post on this thread.
If the coffee at Java Werks and the sandwiches at Roly Poly are just as good a value as their Starbucks and Einstein counterparts, then you are making a social statement without personal/private economic consequence (deteriment).
Even Nazi Germany had White Rose and other underground movements.
Take a note from Churchill: We'll fight in the hills, on the beaches, in towns and cities and hamlets, we'll fight him in the air and on the high seas, we'll fight him wherever he is.....
Otherwise, I suggest we all hang white bedsheets out of office windows and get on with a more peaceful and orderly occupation.
SJT might be coming to Gulf Park for lunch w/a student group on Monday, I think. A contact in the GP SGA tipped me off about this. If he is, I say let's ambush him with some really rude banners on the campus. They could be placed surreptitiously Sunday the night before and then deployed when he got on campus. Stuff like "Dump Thames" or better "**** Thames" or "SJT Hands OFF Our Library."
Wonder where they'll eat: there's no restaurant on campus, no student center. They'll probably have the affair catered in the big auditorium or something, either that ot they'll do it on the 3rd floor of the library, bring all the rat and roach food you could ask for right into the heart of the stacks.
Anybody have more info on the Thames SGA lunch?
GW's Military Advisor is right: it's time to get disobedient. If we fight this dungmaster by his rules of engagement we're not going to have any success
"The revolutionary is motivated by great feelings of love"--Che Guevara
What wonderful ideas. What I get from this post is the we must quit being anonymous. Not necessarily on this board but everywhere. What good does it do to ONLY post on this board everyday? Get into the public with letters and emails. Do be adraid to voice your opinion. Talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime, about your true beliefs about whats happening. As long as you don't preach the cause in class what does it hurt to talk to your students out of classs about it. Talk to alumni & neighbors. What's the worst that could happen? You may get fired or you may have to quit. How many people can Shelby up and fire without drawing more negative attention to himself. To professors -- of course you should all have a plan B to be employeed elsewhere.
Tell prospective students to go elsewhere. I have personally persuaded my sister and a friend away from USM. Talk these unqualified scabs into not working for USM. When they graduate with a master's and start teaching at USM it not only hurts them to work for such a tyrant but they need experience elsewhere anyways. Make it as difficult as possible for Shelby to find replacements for the faculty who are leaving. And let the alumni know what they can do to help?
It only gets worse before it gets better, and believe me it can and will get a lot worse than this.
Warning: If you don't s**t or grt of the pot, one day it will you in the same spot as Glamser, Stringer, Polk, etc.
quote: Originally posted by: onward "What will it take to boost the troops morale to the height of last Spring? Maybe it's time for another vote of no confidence from the entire faculty."
I sort of resent being called an unqualified scab, Crying Eagle, but I think you may be right. I took an adjunct position for my own reasons, and to help out the department and the students, but I wouldn't do it again.
still anonymous
RE: Why Faculty Will Fail in the War Against Thames
So what IS keeping us from a vote of no confidence?? Is there a strategy from the Senate/AAUP to wait for worse things ("things will only get worse"?) to happen, a "focused event", what? If there is, I would like to know the plan, seems as if we aren't organized like last year. I can certainly understand why, but our acts of civil disobedience do not seem to be working, shouldn't we be trying plans b, c, d? Something besides posting to the message board? Yes, it makes us feel better and yes, this is vital to our cause. But does anyone else feel that we need to do SOMETHING more? There hasn't been a single letter to editor in weeks now (H.A.), not a single news item on WDAM, unless I have missed something. HA headlines about the "celebration" of only ONE deficiency that sounds like Exline could fix this minor problem over the weekend, "easily fixable". The public must think, "there they go again(the faculty", too little to do, griping and fussing while this man is just trying to do his job and save money. We seem to be portrayed as simply resisting change. What can we do?????
LVN I really didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. I was in a rant and didn't read over my post before I hit submit. I do not think everyone who has taken a job since Thames in unqualified. But I can not imagine why people still come to work for him. But I do understand the job market in H'burg sucks. Again I am sorry and I'm sure your department and students do appreciate you & are lucky to have you. I feel like there is nothing I can do to help the situation since I am neither part of the faculty nor the student body. I am not in y'alls shoes so I truly apoligize for any unthoughtful words.
RE: Why Faculty Will Fail in the War Against Thame
GW's Strategic Advisor is ABSOLUTELY right. This is WAR. And Thames the Tyrant is winning.
This is no time to sit around and wait for Faculty Senate or AAUP-USM to organize a vote of no confidence. Who really thinks there's going to be one anyway? And even if there is, you don't win a war by casting votes.
You win a war by fighting. Fighting harder and smarter than your enemy -- dirtier, too, if necessary. Fighting until you win.
Count me in too. I'm not on campus anymore, and I've written letters that have been disregarded. I am not an alum - I'm a mere former assistant professor of USM who is now at another institution. I'd show up on the steps of the IHL in Jackson if that was the plan. I'd join in anything that becomes a plan. I'm open - what next?
G. Washington's Strategic Advisor
RE: Why Faculty Will Fail in the War Against Thame
What we really need right now is a leader to step in the breach. Many on this board have provided leadership at times or will provide it in the future, but we need someone to galvanize the faculty and motivate them to do what it is that must be done.
The president of the faculty senate is either very weak or has been turned to the administration's side. The "no confidence" vote should have occurred last Friday; that way, Klumb, Thames, et. al., would not have had time to launch a preliminary strike against faculty as has been done this week.
Soon, the time will come for drastic measures, maybe even something that could be viewed as borderline crazy, like a campus-wide "sick out" or total boycott of graduation, something to get the attention focused on us and our issues instead of the PR machine that spews garbage from the dome.
I am not willing to use the graduation prayer in that manner, and I am hopeful that community standards will soon set the appropriateness of organized prayer, much as they do indecency laws, etc.
If we can't fight the fight on its own merits, then maybe we shouldn't be fighting. Prayer has nothing to do with SFT alone; Ole Miss and State do the same thing. Should we ask for removal of their presidents also?
Sorry, but it looks to me like there's another agenda here with the "prayer" suggestion.
Amy Young
RE: Why Faculty Will Fail in the War Against Thames
I think it is time for faculty to say - out loud - what is really wrong here. We have seen, over the last 2.5 years, a serious erosion of quality in education because this administration has pushed "economic development" (aka bring money into the university so Thames can centralize it and spend it on his pet programs and cronies). Faculty have been coping, and "enabling" this to occur by keeping our heads down and by trying to do the best we can because we care about our students and their education.
We have too many online "solutions" with little or no quality control. Several departments have added online sections because they lack the faculty to meet the demand for the class. We have "hyped" online programs that apparently lack quality (see International Development and Dean Harold Doty's reasons why he wanted it out of COB in an issue of the Student Printz). The Customer Service department on the coast stuffed more students into classrooms without considering the fact that there aren't enough microscopes or desks. Each college has been assigned "quotas" for increase in the number of majors for each year so we can reach the 20,000 mark but there are no plans for increasing faculty to teach all of those new students. One solution, I've been told, is to reduce the GPA for admission into some programs. I understand that until recently, students had to have 2.5 GPA for admission into various business programs. Now it's 2.0. This, evidently, almost automatically increased the number of majors.
We just need to say what is really happening here.
quote: Originally posted by: Amy Young "I think it is time for faculty to say - out loud - what is really wrong here. We have seen, over the last 2.5 years, a serious erosion of quality in education because this administration has pushed "economic development" (aka bring money into the university so Thames can centralize it and spend it on his pet programs and cronies). Faculty have been coping, and "enabling" this to occur by keeping our heads down and by trying to do the best we can because we care about our students and their education. We have too many online "solutions" with little or no quality control. Several departments have added online sections because they lack the faculty to meet the demand for the class. We have "hyped" online programs that apparently lack quality (see International Development and Dean Harold Doty's reasons why he wanted it out of COB in an issue of the Student Printz). The Customer Service department on the coast stuffed more students into classrooms without considering the fact that there aren't enough microscopes or desks. Each college has been assigned "quotas" for increase in the number of majors for each year so we can reach the 20,000 mark but there are no plans for increasing faculty to teach all of those new students. One solution, I've been told, is to reduce the GPA for admission into some programs. I understand that until recently, students had to have 2.5 GPA for admission into various business programs. Now it's 2.0. This, evidently, almost automatically increased the number of majors. We just need to say what is really happening here. Amy Young"
As I've said before, Amy, you are a brave soul. Why aren't you FS chair??