The Emergency Ad Hoc Committee (sans one) has reached a consensus from the many fine "noms" posted below...
We would like to recognize SACS on the Beach for inspiring the competition & also SACSually Harrassed for reportedly bringing SACS to our attention many months ago.
This was a tough call, because there were some really witty entries in the special contest, but we'd like to single out SACSual Healing for the special contest award, because that's exactly what we hope happens.
Mal & Vic ask that everyone keep quiet about this contest. Hopefully these threads will fall off page one before Miss Information returns ... or our ears are gonna be scalded! Don't ask, don't tell & all that stuff. Again, thanks to everyone for their entries in the special contest.
Following Mr. Wonderful's lead, the Nom d'Aplomb award will be taking a holiday break & will return on January 9. So, from our crew to yours, Merry Christmas.
Feel free to keep posting your SACSy noms in the other thread. Just got word that Miss I will be travelling to visit her great-niece, who doesn't have an internet connection...
(That thread is too much fun to let die just because an award has been made.)
In a rare moment of mushy sentiment, I want to tell all of you how much I have come to care about you individually and as part of this community. For being my solace, my sanity check, and my entertainment these many months, thank you. I need a little break but will look forward to all of your clever names and even more clever messages in the New Year.