There was talk a while back (I can't find the thread now) about collecting money to take out an ad in the HA/CL listing all of the reasons why SFT should be fired, in light of the SACS probation. I have folks who have contacted me to pledge money (I think about $250 has been pledged so far), but I need a local contact to actually gather the money, write/place the ad, etc. Would this be best done by someone from the outside (an alum? a parent? concerned citizen?) or does the AAUP want to do this? Someone let me know if you want to spearhead this effort...I can be reached at
Also need to find out how much an ad would cost and let us know how to donate money. Collections for attorney fees earlier in the year were through the AAUP, but I don't know enough about the AAUP to say whether or not it would be appropriate for them to support an ad like this, so other arrangements may need to be made.
I think the ad is a great idea. However, if the group consists of AAUP, students and Alumni members, I suggest that your credits state that ithe ad is on behalf of concerned citizens for USM instead of just faculty or the AAUP. In so many letters that are written to the HA people sign that they are faculty, when it would be better not to. In other words, try to make this more than a Faculty/Shelby thing by broadening the scope. Shelby has made no secret that it is a liberal out of control faculty that he is fighting (that message plays great in MS). Don't forget this is a PR war as much as anything, and believe it or not you/we are now winning simply becase Shelby is incompetent to the point that it cannot be denied. Otherwise, the add is a great idea.
quote: Originally posted by: Right is Might " Anyone who believes that only liberals are into this thing just might be in for a rude awakening. Political Conservative NO QUARTER"
That's right (or left)! Its time that persons affiliated with USM in whatever manner start standing up for principles of right and wrong instead of right and left. Thames is a failure and a danger to the future of this university and, by extension, to the entire south Mississippi business and cultural environment. You don't need to be right or left to realize the time is now to say "Shelboo Gotta Go!" This is why academia, through accreditation organizations like SACS and advocacy groups like AAUP, is supposed to run on principles - not politics!
I also am very conservative, pro business, and don't care much for organized labor. Given my leanings, I offer the following:
If this type of disgrace and embarresment happen in a Fortune 1000 firm, heads would roll. The President would be the first head, and would be expected to resign. Are we going to run USM like a business? If so, its time for Shelboo to step up.
I honestly have some problems with some USM faculty members who abuse their positions. However, a majority of the faculty are highly talented and work hard. In such a professionalized organization the primary management approach should be empowerment and delegation (which are really what academics call shared goverence).
Since about 1957 management scholars have know that there are differnt ways to run different organizations (the literature calls this contingency theory). Anyone who asserts that there is one way to run a business (which Shelby does) would be laughed out of a good business school. I guess Shelby hasn't read much about management written after 1957.
Maybe we should give Shelby a sabbatical and send him to business school!
Shebly couldn't handle constructive criticism. One of his pretty obvious downfalls. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I vote with my conscience. Go, fight, win Shelby - you are such a loser.
quote: "Originally posted by: Right Winger Maybe we should give Shelby a sabbatical and send him to business school!"
Delta Dawn suggested administrative sabbaticals as a last resort for certain administrators. She'd probably go along with sending them to business school as a suitable alternative. - if they'd go class and listen attentively.
With all due respect on this, aren't we behind the curve again? Sending the administrators to business school was a great idea when the goal was to "run this university like a business" but now that we've agreed to "run this business like a university", why don't we simply ...
quote: Originally posted by: Behind the curve "With all due respect on this, aren't we behind the curve again? Sending the administrators to business school was a great idea when the goal was to "run this university like a business" but now that we've agreed to "run this business like a university", why don't we simply ... Let the academics govern!"
I think Archives was just trying to make the point that what is happening over there now is clearly not working. Nobody is serious about the business school thing. - but some sort of extramural experience for inexperienced administrators might not be a bad thing - but only as a last resort.
Perhaps you could set up a paypal address for the ad? It would make it easier for folks who live out of town or are just out for the holidays or folks like me who hate writing checks or going to the bank. It's much easier to just click and send some $ instead of making a special trip to buy a stamp. Enough rambling. I don't have much but I will donate whatever I can.
quote: Originally posted by: Ticked Off!! "Truth: Perhaps you could set up a paypal address for the ad? It would make it easier for folks who live out of town or are just out for the holidays or folks like me who hate writing checks or going to the bank. It's much easier to just click and send some $ instead of making a special trip to buy a stamp. Enough rambling. I don't have much but I will donate whatever I can."
To be honest, folks, this will have to wait until after the holidays, as I will be busy (as I'm sure most of you will be, too) and don't have the time right now to figure out how to do all of this. I still need a point person in the 'burg, but I have a few leads now. Look for this to happen in January!