Miss Information, like many of us, is a bit overwhelmed by the spirit of the season. This evening, she is tied up with the Faded Belle Bell Ringers and later with the Cut Throat Cookie Exchange. Tomorrow, she does double duty with the Ladies Missionary Society, which will sponsor the first of the Local Lawyer Tells the True Meaning of Christmas Story series. At any rate, she is leaving Vic and me to do the honors. While the cat's away...
Vic and I have been amused and impressed by the SACS-related names that have cropped up this week. Without being under the watchful (and often disapproving) eye of Miss Information, we encourage you to post here with your SACSual innuendo. We will choose from the SACS related names that appear on this thread.
It's been a tough week - time for some fun. Good Luck!
quote: Originally posted by: Malapropism "We will choose from the SACS related names that appear on this thread. It's been a tough week - time for some fun. Good Luck!"
Well, just for the record, I was the first to post with a SACSually explicit nom d'aplomb. So I feel I deserve the credit (or the blame) for starting it all. SACS in the City will back me up on this.
quote: Originally posted by: SACS on the Beach " Well, just for the record, I was the first to post with a SACSually explicit nom d'aplomb. So I feel I deserve the credit (or the blame) for starting it all. SACS in the City will back me up on this. Thanks, SACS on the Beach "
Um, I believe I used my on the old FireShelby board.
Ooh, let's have fun while Ms. I is away! SACS on the Beach was my inspiration for my nom, which I first used earlier today before the official competition began.
quote: Originally posted by: The USM Brassy SEXtette " Brassy: Definition: [adj] unrestrained by convention or propriety; "an audacious trick to pull"; "a barefaced hypocrite"; "the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim"- Los Angeles Times; "bold-faced lies"; "brazen arrogance"; "the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress"- Bertrand Russell [adj] tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments" [adj] resembling"
Help! Change my pseudoym! from The USM Brassy SEXtette to The USM Brassy SACStette.
quote: Originally posted by: What about "SACS, lies and videotape??"
What about, you posted your message as your posting name, and your posting name as your message. If I read that committee correctly, Miss Information is very prim and proper. Rigid. You must follow her instructions to the letter. If you want your posting name to be considered, you must repost and place your entry in the "Name" block. Invictus explained this earlier on this thread.
quote: Originally posted by: SACS Partners "Because we're all in this together."
If we're all in this together, and we lose accreditation, then we'll all be.....SACSually Deprived. In the interim, let's not become SACSually Depraved.