Posters who keep up with the continuously changing and new features of Google should ignore this post. Others, not aware of this feature, but who wish to keep up with what the print media and the web is saying about the USM debacle, might find Google's "ALERT" feature useful.
The ALERT feature directs newspaper items and web items directly into your email Inbox. During the early stages of the USM debacle, for instance, I had Google programmed to inform me whenever the names "University of Southern Mississippi," "Shelby Thames," "Gary Stringer," "Frank Glamser" appeared in the print media. It's easy to use, and it has been particularly useful for someone such as myself who does not reside locally.
1. Access the Google website the way you always do.
2. To the upper right you will see the word "MORE." Click it.
3. The rest of the simple instructions will now be on your computer screen. You will be able to:
a. Indicate if you want to receive NEWS ITEMS, WEB ITEMS, or BOTH
b. Indicate how often you want to receive the items (DAILY, WEEKLY, IMMEDIATELY)
You can manage your ALERTS (delete old ones or add ones)
I place quotes around the names of the items I want to receive. That eliminates random items.
The service is free.
I have been able to keep up with who is saying what about us in the print media and on the web.
You may also wish to program your brother-in-law's name into the system, along with the term "city jail." You will then know everytime his name appears in print under those titles [Just kidding, just kidding]. Those of you who are a tad vain might program your own name into the system [not kidding]. I even programmed the name of my small undergraduate alma mater into the system and occasionally the name of one of my former classmates appears in the items I receive.
Pardon me, Googler, for calling posters attention to this feature; but I thought it might be useful for those who were unaware that Google made this feature available.
I am grateful to have a Little Helper. Southern Miss needs a Lotta Helper.
Speaking of my favorite search engine, did anyone else see the news that Google plans to scan hard-to-find books into its search engine? Plans call for Google to partner with the New York public library and four university libraries-- Harvard, Stanford, Michigan, and Oxford in England Now this is a world-class initiative.
quote: Originally posted by: Googler "I am grateful to have a Little Helper. Southern Miss needs a Lotta Helper. Speaking of my favorite search engine, did anyone else see the news that Google plans to scan hard-to-find books into its search engine? Plans call for Google to partner with the New York public library and four university libraries-- Harvard, Stanford . . . this is a world-class initiative."
I heard today on the news that it will take about 10 years to complete the entire project. They must scan each page of every book! But well worth waiting for.