I usually enjoy reading Eric Strinfellow's column in the Clarion-Ledger. This mornning's column is quite disappointing. It comes across as being optimisticaly uninformed.
quote: Originally posted by: jimmy brown "I usually enjoy reading Eric Strinfellow's column in the Clarion-Ledger. This mornning's column is quite disappointing. It comes across as being optimisticaly uninformed. "
He was never the campus favorite. His leadership skills — or lack thereof — were highlighted during a high-profile debate with two tenured professors and an enrollment scandal where USM acknowledged inflated data.
Now, all of the h*** that Frank and Gary went through (as well as the rest of the campus, alumni, concerned community members, etc.) has been conveniently reduced to a simple "debate????"
This is irresponsible, shoddy writing. Someone (perhaps lots of 'someones') needs to write a letter to the CL.
I just sent the letter I've patched in below to the Clarion Ledger. It seemed the least I could do. I'm still trying to find words for an IHL letter that I think they would listen to.
Let me add that I have little stomach for controversy, but like many of us I feel backed into a corner. Even Woodrow Wilson finally declared war. I'm not feeling particularly brave. In fact, as I wrote the letter I was saying, "Cover me, Lord, I'm going in."
Anyway, the letter follows.
I must respectfully disagree with Mr. Stringfellow’s column today on USM’s most current administrative horror. He tells us that there is no point in ousting USM President Shelby Thames, and that the state College Board should not "overreact."
Dr. Thames is a brilliant polymer scientist and should be in the laboratory now, making more discoveries. As an administrator, though, he has been a disaster. Rather than raising funds, as do other university presidents, he’s pushed a few over-publicized and under-productive programs while he’s berated the faculty for not finding money themselves, as if we’re now some kind of faith missionaries, and for not working "harder," though we we’re already strained to the breaking point. His sudden, unconsidered policies and reversals have only increased the confusion. Since Dr. Thames took office, USM has hemorrhaged faculty and administrators who could no longer work with him. And he has not hesitated to point fingers until now, when he can only point to himself.
The state College Board has done so little in the past that it would be difficult for them to "overreact" now. They’ve talked with him several times behind closed doors, and then him back to us for more of the same. Nothing has changed except our level of despair.
I’m not, by the way, some kind of ivory tower professor. I worked my way through school with two teenagers and a bankrupt ex-husband. I also understand business; my father was a successful businessman. He taught me to respect authority–but to know when enough is enough.
Dr. Thames’s first responsibility as president is to maintain our status and prevent the very disaster that now confronts us. If Mr. Stringfellow wants to cite Auburn’s success in overcoming its SACS probation, he must remember that Auburn’s first move was to fire its president.
quote: Originally posted by: Pirate "Eric says we should not panic. I agree. We should get the USM Orchestra to appear in Bennett Auditorium and play "Nearer My God to Thee" while SFT rearranges Colleges again. Pirate "
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Funniest thing I've read all day! Too funny. :D
quote: Originally posted by: Jameela Lares " Let me add that I have little stomach for controversy, but like many of us I feel backed into a corner. Even Woodrow Wilson finally declared war. I'm not feeling particularly brave. In fact, as I wrote the letter I was saying, "Cover me, Lord, I'm going in." "
Great letter--I wish there was some way I could "cover you!" Once again, USM faculty members are my heroes.
J.L., that was superb. Probably divinely inspired. You know, sometimes people who take the high road find that their aim is thereby improved. Not a mean word, and got 'em right between the eyes.
keep in mind that stringfellow wrote a piece a few months ago pushing a new burger king in west jackson and couldnt understand why a "smart" businessman wouldnt take on the abandoned burger king and turn it into a "gold mine"
i wouldnt take him very serious, if you read his work you soon realize he is a source of amusement in an otherwise dull and boring newspaper (not to mention you can probably spot 10-12 spelling and grammar errors daily in the c/l)