Barbour confident 4 College Board nominees will be confirmed
Gov. Haley Barbour says he chose his four new College Board nominees based on their ability to work confidently with large sums of money and to oversee an eight-university system that affects tens of thousands of Mississippians....
...Barbour said he believes the nominees will be confirmed by the state Senate to serve 10-year terms on the 12-member board. They are:
Alan W. Perry, 60, of Jackson, an attorney who has an undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi and finished first in his law school graduating class at Harvard University.
Christy Pickering, 47, of Biloxi, a certified public accountant who is an alumna of the University of Southern Mississippi - and no relation, she said, to U.S. Rep. Chip Pickering or state Auditor Stacey Pickering.
Dr. Douglas W. Rouse, 57, of Hattiesburg, who has an undergraduate degree from the University of Southern Mississippi and a medical degree from the University of Mississippi.
C.D. Smith Jr., 55, of Meridian, a Mississippi State University alumnus who is a regional manager for AT&T and currently serves on the board of Meridian Community College....
...The following are leaving the board next month:
Thomas Colbert of Jackson, a University of Mississippi alumnus appointed by Fordice.
Roy Estess of Carriere, a Mississippi State University alumnus appointed by Barbour in January 2006 to fill the unexpired term of Fordice appointee Roy Klumb of Gulfport.
Dr. D.E. Magee Jr. of Jackson, who received his college degrees out of state and was appointed by Fordice.
Virginia Shanteau Newton, an alumna of Mississippi University for Women and the University of Southern Mississippi, who was appointed by Fordice.
Bob Pierce remarked in a meeting yesterday that this is the first time USM has had two people on the Board with USM undergrad degrees at the same time.
Bob Pierce remarked in a meeting yesterday that this is the first time USM has had two people on the Board with USM undergrad degrees at the same time.
Actually, there will be three people with USM undergraduate degrees on the Board at the same time--Robin Robinson, Doug Rouse, and Christy Pickering.
Likely this is the first time a governor has used his four Board appointments to select two people with USM undergraduate degrees (who also happened to meet the geographical criteria for selection).