quote: Originally posted by: Newgirl " Unlike the Hattiesburg American, it looks like the Clarion Ledger did not edit Fitzgerald's Letter. http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041203/OPINION/412030328/1009"
Compared to the letter in toto as posted on an earlier thread, there was some minor editing, shown in italics below. It appears the CL editor did not want to include criticism of the university's current focus on "economic development." I'm surprised the "paint factory" comment stayed in.
Dear Editor:
Nobody whines like a USM Administrator! During the University of Southern Mississippi'sGlamser/Stringer debacle, Hattiesburgians were constantly bombarded with letters decrying the "whining faculty." "Get over it," they said; "Get behind President Thames." But, the defeat of the USM bond issue shows who the real "whiners" are. There is much hand-wringing, wailing and gnashing of teeth, by USM's Athletic Director, Gianinni, and a coterie of USM Alumni football fans. One would think the sole purpose of University education is football entertainment, or offering ersatz courses on "wealth creation" and "entrepreneurship."
USM Administrators assume: what is good for USM's athletic department, is good for Hattiesburg and other University departments. But, USM won't pave streets in East Hattiesburg, and regressive taxes affect all Hattiesburgians-not just tourists.
This is a State University, not just a Hattiesburg University. NO athletic money coming into the University ever goes to support other departments. Besides, currently there is NO money in USM's budget to buy library books this year (Hattiesburg American, 13 November). Buying books for its library ought to be a prime concern for a "world class" University!
Slobbering mayoral candidates want to turn the defeated USM bond issue into a political referendum on Mayor Johnny Dupree. Lee J. Davis claims that Mayor Dupree and East Hattiesburg citizens "have betrayed USM." But, USM's mission ought to be to provide quality education to Hattiesburg, not football games or a paint factory.
USM Administrators, get over it! Stop whining, and become a part of the great city you occupy. It is simply immoral for you to sacrifice city needs for your own vision of "wealth creation." Get some "civic moral values," and get behind our Mayor!
quote: Originally posted by: ram " It appears the CL editor did not want to include criticism of the university's current focus on "economic development."