While a 33.1 percent increase to little more than a $1 billion annual budget may seem high for the operation of the state's eight public universities, it's not as steep a price as continuing to underfund them....
...As Rep. George Flaggs, D-Vicksburg, has noted: "This increase in tuition rates is nothing more than a tax increase." And it has been steep: From 2000-08, ranging as high as 71.3 percent at the University of Southern Mississippi, with a system average of 64.8 percent....
How about this quote: "It should scrutinize every line of it, especially $1.7 million Meredith wants to spruce up his office while tuitions continue to rise. Tuitions were increased 6 percent this year, the ninth hike in 10 years."
This might be deceptive phrasing. "Sprucing up the office" is a real buzz phrase because of what happened under Amy and also the MDOT offices . . . .
This could actually mean extra staffing, equipment upgrades, etc. I'm not saying it is -- it just isn't clear to me that it is really as cosmetic as the phrase implies or the Clarion would really be breathing fire.
It's an odd insertion in an article that is otherwise supportive . . . .
yep -- the are indeed. Truthfully, I'd rather they be open myself but in the brief history of the "secret searches" as conducted by meredith and company I'd say the results have so far been more promising than in the old days . . . at least the new president's don't appear to come in owing their position to any special interest at the university. I definitely see that as an improvement.