The Halloween season, with lots of tricks and a limited number of treats for a selected few at USM, has been a long and scary one. Nonetheless, this week's postings on the message board reflected an unrelenting sense of community , camaraderie, and esprit de corps. The Citation de le Semaine selection committee noted the flury of postings following Emma's statement, "Invictus, I can't wait to meet you at the Coming Out party that will be held (and I will fly over to attend it absolutely whatsoever). The first to respond was foot soldier who added "Invictus is high on my list of people to meet too, also LVN. Of course, we all want to meet Judge Cooley, whether or not he is fictitious." Then came Flash Gordon who added "Austin Eagle is high on my list," followed by Person of Interest who delighted #1 Groupie by saying "I'd like to reserve a table close to the bandstand and sit between Miss Information and #1 Groupie." LVN added, "I miss USM Sympathizer," a sentiment reflected by Retired prof who added, "Me too! He/she was always one of my favorite posters. Finally, Invictus added his own statement which also reflects the view of The Entire Mr. Wonderful Organization - "But there are so many of y'all I would like to meet that I won't list 'em for fear of leaving somebody off the list.
The selection committee noted that humor has survived among the postings - even in the face of the lurking message board spooks, goblins, gnomes, and trolls. #1 Groupie, for instance, felt that Emma's clever response to Seeker deserved special mention: "Seeker, concerning the bond - you sound shaken, not stirred." #1 Groupie assured the selection committee that all posters who are James Bond fans will see the humor in Emma's statement. #1 Groupie also pointed out that truth and humor were both embedded in a posting by Invictus who joined Allen Ludite's Password contest with the entry, "AAUP = Ain't a Union, Polymerman." With that great posting, Invictus, you came close to taking the cigar home this week, but the selection committee decided to award the prize to a contributor whose posting which contained the name of a World War II figure known for his cigars. This week's Citation de le Semaine award WINNER is:
Green Hornet - "To paraphrase Winston Churchill . . . 'We will fight them in the trenches, we will fight them on the beaches . . . but we will NEVER give up.' It's time we took a lesson from our American Patriots, we must fight an underground war, a quiet war yes, but a war never the less. Using whatever means we need to (letter writing, letters to the editor, letters to alumni). We must continue to foster faculty support and show what this administration has done (and failed to do).
An East Coast member of the Citation de le Semaine committee has asked that, before signing off for the week, I remind all viewers of AAUP Fan's posting of a paragraph from page 226 of the AAUP red book: "The academic freedom of faculty members includes the freedom to express their views (1) on academic matters in the classroom and in the conduct of research, (2) on matters having to do with their institution and its policies, and (3) on issues of public interest generally, and to do so even if their views are in conflict with one or another received wisdom."
Thanks for the Special Mention. I think Green Hornet's post was well deserving of the award. I thought a very humorous although inadvertant quote was that of the Deaf, Dumb (intelligence) and Blind man himself -- SFT who sympathetically feels the pain for the plight of that fine lady who he's had the blessing to call his henchwoman -- A. Dvorak. Wasn't a post, but a quote in the HA and CL but it was pretty funny nonetheless when you consider the abyss of the source.
Thank you for this honor, please let me accept this for those faculty that are still here, and fighting the good fight. The battles, and the "second" war is yet to come.............. Green Hornet