President's Message
Since being named the ninth president of the University of Southern Mississippi about two months ago, I have spent a great deal of time thinking of how to make good on my promise to build trust, build a team and build a campus.
Over the past few weeks I have talked with diverse constituent groups including alumni, faculty, staff, students, business leaders, elected officials and community members in an attempt to learn all I can from them. Im happy to report that the news is good. We have much to celebrate and few problems we cant solve if we put our minds together.
I was glad to learn we are supporting higher caliber students. Innovative programming is opening new doors for research funding, now at an all-time high. Our students and faculty continue to win national acclaim for their performance in the classroom, in the community and in athletic competition. The Southern Miss Gulf Park campus is back in full swing this fall with building renovation still underway and an additional 150 acres on the I-10 corridor acquired by the IHL Board will provide us with an additional campus serving the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
To be sure, our ambitions exceed our resources. Thats a good thing, I think. I hope we never stop thinking of new and creative ways to serve our students and our state. To meet our goals, we will continue to explore opportunities for additional funding and more efficient usage of the dollars we currently have.
Over the next few weeks we will be spending time filling significant vacancies on our campus. We are currently searching for a government relations liaison officer and will soon launch searches for deans of three colleges. Ill be working on developing effective relationships with the various governance groups on campus. I plan to connect with alumni, community and elected leaders, and look forward to generating plans for our third campus. Toward that end, I am scheduling regular dates to work from the Gulf Coast facility and aim to continue our universitys longstanding service there.
Please know I appreciate the honor youve given me in naming me president. I will do my best to keep faithful to your trust.
Martha D. Saunders, PhD