"Tenured professors are an easy target because of the assumption that tenure grants us immunity from being fired. But it doesn't do that at all. Nothing protects us from incompetence or poor performance. We are all evaluated regularly. Our salaries and ranks are keyed to these evaluations.
Tenure is not something any university hands out lightly and it does not guarantee us a job. What it does guarantee is that we cannot be fired for political reasons; it ensures that universities remain a marketplace of ideas where we can discuss - agree, disagree, analyze, and criticize - developments and theories that are most current in our fields."
Thanks for such a good letter. I was especially struck by the following:
"I can't remember a single time in these 30 years that a university administrator or a member of the College Board or even the commissioner of higher education has publicly defended Mississippi's fine faculty against such accusations. I say this with some despair."
What a shame that a scholar with the international reputation of Noel Polk finds himself in the position of having to defend his worth! The people of Mississippi should be thankful for all he has done to preserve and pass on the rich cultural legacy Mississippi has contributed to the nation and the world.
What a shame, too, that a scholar as eminent as Polk is no longer at USM, thanks to Shelby Thames. When I read and think about Faulkner, I often have reason to thank Noel Polk. When I use a polymer product, I am not even aware that I am doing so.