Tenured professors spend little time in the classroom
Over the past years, I have asked dozens upon dozens of parents of college students: "Who is teaching your children?"
Not one of them could answer my question. However, they could give me the life history of the basketball or football coach.
Our institutions of higher learning are in a class by themselves! The new college professor has reached college heaven - tenure! All of these institutions have this thing called tenure. It actually means, in simple terms, permanence of position....
I am reading this man's overgeneralized and unsupported opinions as I sit in the rare book reading room at the Huntington Library, where ironically most of my day's time and energy are going into perusing Joseph Glanvill's Vanity of Dogmatizing. Apparently not much has changed since 1661.
If this person were right, there would be standing room only in Ph.D. programs. There would be very few slots left for foreign students. The reality is that even with the increasing salaries and the "cushy job", there are still shortages in some areas. I do not know about others, but I have to work hard to write an article that will be accepted in a good journal. Most of the time I get rejection letters which is devastating for someone as fragile as me.
"Tenured professors spend little time in the classroom"
They spend little time in the classroom? Nonsense. What a meaningless statement. I've never heard anyone complain about the relatively few hours most lawyers spend in the courtroom each week. They spend much of their time in essential out-of-courtroom activities, including but not limited to researching cases, conductng depositions, meeting with clients, witnesses, etc. I thought I'd read some very uninformed letters-to-the-editor, but this one takes the cake.