Media Contact: Annie Mitchell Phone Number: (601) 432-6493 5/17/2007 ( ) Jackson, MS - During its regular monthly meeting, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) approved for first reading annual resident tuition increases ranging from $165 to $328 per year to offset the financial demands facing Mississippi's eight public universities, such as accreditation requirements, increased utility costs, and repair and renovation of the state's largest inventory of buildings, among others. All eight institutions will give interested students the option to work off the increase through various jobs at the rate of approximately $10/hour.
"The Board is sensitive to both the financial implications a tuition increase has on our students and parents, and the incredible financial demands placed on our universities," said Board President Dr. L. Stacy Davidson, Jr. "Need-based financial aid and a work program to offset the increase in tuition was supported by the Board."
The following annual resident tuition increases and fuel surcharges were approved by the Board today for 30-day review per Board policy 702.04C:
Alcorn State University: $165 increase to $4,280 annually, plus a $43 fuel surcharge
Delta State University: $238 increase to $4,206 annually, plus a $42 fuel surcharge
Jackson State University: $251 increase to $4,433 annually, plus a $44 fuel surcharge
Mississippi State University: $319 increase to $4,869 annually, plus a $49 fuel surcharge
Mississippi University for Women: $273 increase to $4,167 annually, plus a $42 fuel surcharge
Mississippi Valley State University: $168 increase to $4,373 annually, plus a $44 fuel surcharge
University of Mississippi: $328 increase to $4,885 annually, plus a $49 fuel surcharge
University of Southern Mississippi: $318 increase to $4,866 annually, plus a $49 fuel surcharge
The Board approved a System-wide 5 percent merit-based salary pool for faculty and staff, as well as a legislatively-mandated $6,000 increase per FTE for nursing faculty, to increase Mississippi's competitiveness both nationwide and globally. In 2000, the average Mississippi university faculty member earned $5,939 less than the average Southern university faculty member. In 2006, the average Mississippi university faculty member earned $9,893 less. In addition, the Board approved funds to launch the National Center for Academic Transformation's course redesign program.
The Board also approved a priority list for facilities needs to be submitted to the 2008 Legislature. Those needs include fire suppression systems at Mississippi University for Women; wastewater/sewer treatment facilities at the University of Mississippi; and ADA compliance at Jackson State University; among others.
The Board will hold its next regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 20, 2007.