Groupie #1 mistakenly reported that I missed last week's Citation de la Semaine selection process because I would not leave a Blackjack table. Blackjack table, indeed. That was an Oyster Shucking table. I was attending the Great North American Oyster Shucking 'n Broiling Cookoff Charity Benefit, held at an undisclosed location where I introduced my new creation: Oysters Shelby - a dish very similar to Oysters Rockefeller. The whole thing was a disaster. One of the judges barely sampled the dish, responding only that Oysters Shelby is far too rich and too crusty for her taste.
This week's message board postings were relatively few in number but high in quality. The selection committee unanimously agreed that one of the more meritorious postings was that by already gone: six cogent reasons presented in rebuttal of a suggestion made by some chap at the University of Alabama who evidently mistakenly believes that the USM faculty share some kind of 'complicity' in the administration's assault on tenure. The selection committee decided to post only one of already gone's six powerful points of rebuttal, but message board viewers are encouraged to go back and read all of them if you have not already done so. Already gone's reason #6: "When you've got a judicial system determined to ignore the Faculty Handbook, established IHL standards for 'contumacious conduct,' and the rules of evidence, then it should come as no surprise that faculty are no longer willing to stand and be counted."
The selection committee paid particular attention to a statement made by Polyonymous whose dismay with the seemingly constant spin is reflected in this posting: "We are not the largest, nor the best, nor the only and what we do accomplish well is only cheapened by saying that we are."
THIS WEEK'S WINNER: Jameela Lares' Biblical translation of Psalm 16.8: "I shall not be moved" (Psalm 16.8) = NO QUARTER!
quote: Originally posted by: Mr. Wonderful "The selection committee unanimously agreed that one of the more meritorious postings was that by already gone: six cogent reasons presented in rebuttal of a suggestion made by some chap at the University of Alabama who evidently mistakenly believes that the USM faculty share some kind of 'complicity' in the administration's assault on tenure. The selection committee decided to post only one of already gone's six powerful points of rebuttal, but message board viewers are encouraged to go back and read all of them if you have not already done so. Already gone's reason #6: "When you've got a judicial system determined to ignore the Faculty Handbook, established IHL standards for 'contumacious conduct,' and the rules of evidence, then it should come as no surprise that faculty are no longer willing to stand and be counted.""
My thanks to the selection committee -- I respect those of you, my former peers, who are still 'fighting the good fight' against the Roy Klumbs and the rest of the IHL disestablishmentarians.
I respect those of you, my former peers, who are still 'fighting the good fight' against the Roy Klumbs and the rest of the IHL disestablishmentarians.