...and headed to the library where I got my hands on the budget books.
The budget books at USM are the public records detailing every employee's salary and where all the money flows withing the institution. I'm returning on Monday to record just about everything into my laptop and then put all the information online at studentprintz.com for public viewing....
This info has always been available. Some of us were just too lazy are too afraid to walk over to the library and ask for it. We were afraid it was being monitored.
There are some very interesting facts contained.. Some people will wish that others didn't know how much they have been screwed.
Look back at past budgets....look at how much things have been kept in the dark.
Can anyone go from 60 K to 148 K in a five to six year period?
If you do not research it, or you do do care, so be it.
It always amazes me to see staff being paid $16-17K/year for full-time jobs...even in MS, that is pathetically low. Notice that no AAs in either Polymer Science or the Prez's office get paid that low. Good job, Student Printz!
truth4usmAH wrote: It always amazes me to see staff being paid $16-17K/year for full-time jobs...even in MS, that is pathetically low. Notice that no AAs in either Polymer Science or the Prez's office get paid that low. Good job, Student Printz!
Truth, How right you are!!! If anyone views the info that is shown in this budget they will readily see that many of the staff salaries are miserable. There are people that have been with USM for years that probably qualify for food stamps. These people have been loyal employees and no one has ever looked after their interests.
In the meantime we pay AKL for working .46 FTE, as president emeritus, a salary of nearly 80K, equal to four of five of these individuals salaries. We pay GNG a salary of 55k+ for working .46 FTE. Both of these individuals retired at the max in PERS and then were reemployed by USM. Isn't that neat? I am no fan of John Edwards for president but this is an example of the haves and the have nots in society and our university.
Someone needs to publically reveal situations like the AKL and CNG arrangements. Looks like the only one that is interested is the Printz.