No, not at all. In fact, I have absolutely no direct information related to the official search. Also, my guess is that no one else on this board does either. I'm just a little annoyed with the use of this board as a means to stir the rumor pot. So, if anyone has any "official" information regarding short list candidates then have the cojones to state where the information comes from. Otherwise, let's discuss something more substantative like who the New Orleans Saints are going to select with their first round draft choice. Brad Dufrene
I also have heard nothing specific from those folks I know who are on the search advisory committee. They have all been good about keeping confidence. However, I will also say that the sense I get from all of them is confidence that we will get a good president and that has not chnaged even as the list has been narrowed. We have eleven members of the faculty on this committee -- most of them have been strong voices over the past several years. I have no doubt that if there was any sense among them that the search was rigged or the candidate pool was bad we would detect it in their attitudes. I have gotten nothing negative so far . . . .